Wednesday 2 September 2015

At The Dentist

‘Musician… says here you’re a musician. What style? Rock? Country? Open wide, wider… that’s it’
‘Music isn’t at all like it was back when we were young, not as good… some of these are very loose, a lot of motion. Yep, you’re going to lose most of these my friend.’
‘The Beatles - do you like The Beatles?’
‘Turn towards me…open…wide…wider, that’s it. My son doesn’t like The Beatles. He likes music that’s unlistenable. He's got tickets to see some guy yelling his head off at Madison Square Garden, no music, just this guy yelling his head off, and drums. Rap - you know what that is? Crap, that’s what that is. That’s not music. Oh yeah, these are completely shot, they’re all gonna have to come out.’
‘No guitars. There are some great guitar players in rock. Eric Clapton - he’s a great guitarist, no one like him. Unique.’
‘I love music...real music. My son, he tries to explain music to me but I don’t know. I don’t understand it, I can’t tell the difference between melody and rhythm, but I know what I like.’
‘The Police - I bet you like The Police! She doesn’t know who we’re talking about here, too young. ‘
‘Sure I know them, they sing a song I like.’
‘Which one?’
‘I can’t remember, but I know I like it. It’s one that The Police sing.’
‘Turn to face her…that’s right. Keep it open… wider…more suction. I went on a six hour road trip with my son and to pass the time we had a Diana Ross / Beyonce face off, listened to everything that Miss Ross has ever recorded. I think my son is finally beginning to understand why Beyonce isn’t fit to shine the shoes of Diana Ross.’
‘Hmm…that’s the best I can do for the moment. You can rinse and spit over there in the sink if you want.’

tour dates:

14 FLORENCE ALABAMA 116 East Mobile
16 BIRMINGHAM ALABAMA Southside Lounge
17 HUNTSVILLE ALABAMA Vertical Records
18 TENNESSEE private function
03 CALGARY, The Palomino Smokehouse TICKETS
17 JERSEY CITY Monty Hall / live WFMU broadcast TICKETS
06 NOTTINGHAM The Poppy & Pint TICKETS15 BERLIN Monarch
17 HAMBURG Hasenchaukel
19 HAARLEM Patronaat
21 FREIBURG The Swamp
28 BURY (Lancs) The Met TICKETS29 CHORLETON The Dulcimer
30 CAMBRIDGE The Junction
01 COLCHESTER Arts Centre info/tickets
03 LONDON St John’s Church, Hackney TICKETS
04 SOUTHAMPTON Cafe Reflections
05 PENZANCE The Ritz Bingo Hall TICKETS
06 WORCESTER Marr’s Bar
11 EDINBURGH Citrus Club
17 LEICESTER The Musician

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